Somewhere in South Tyrol, with Zugspitze behind
Erkan Karabulut (
PhD Student, University of Amsterdam
Hello! I am a doctoral researcher working on knowledge modeling and reasoning systems with an emphasis on smart environments. I work with a group of smart people at the INtelligent Data Engineering Lab (INDElab), University of Amsterdam. And my supervisors are Dr. Viktoriya Degeler and Prof. Dr. Paul Groth.
Previously, I have obtained my MSc. degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich, and my BSc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul .
I worked as a research assistant at the Bavarian Research Institute for Software-Intensive Systems (fortiss) between 2020-2022. And I worked as a student assistant in the Software Quality R&D Lab the of Yildiz Technical University between 2017-2019.
I am open for collaborations, feel free to reach out via email: